Frage an Angela Merkel bezüglich Außenpolitik und internationale Beziehungen

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Frage von Günter F. •

Frage an Angela Merkel von Günter F. bezüglich Außenpolitik und internationale Beziehungen

Sehr geehrte Frau Bundeskanzlerin,
als Leser der New York Times habe ich oft Artikel vor mir, zu deren fast unglaublichen Gegenständen unsere Medien, aber auch Sie, leider schweigen. Schauen Sie bitte diese wenigen Zeilen an, die nur ein Beispiel für den Tod afghanischer Zivilisten durch Luftschläge der US-Streitkräfte in Afghanistan sind – untersucht durch eine staatliche afghanische Kommission – geschehen vor wenigen Tagen, Donnerstag Nacht. 60 Kinder!!
Sind das nicht Verbrechen, gegen die unsere Medien und auch Sie Ihre Stimme stärker erheben müßten?


Dr. Günter Fiedrich


New York Times
60 Children Among Afghan Dead, U.N. Finds

Published: August 26, 2008
KABUL, Afghanistan — A United Nations human rights team has found “convincing evidence” that some 90 civilians — among them 60 children — were killed in air strikes on a village in western Afghanistan on Thursday night, a statement issued by the United Nations mission in Kabul said, making it almost certainly the deadliest case of civilian casualties caused by any United States military operation in Afghanistan since 2001.
The United Nations the team visited the scene and interviewed survivors and local officials and elders, getting a name, age and gender of each person reported killed. The team reported that 15 people had been injured in the air strikes, which occurred in the middle of the night.
The numbers closely match those given by a government commission sent from Kabul to investigate the bombing, which put the total dead at up to 95.
Mohammad Iqbal Safi, the head of the parliamentary defense committee and a member of the government commission, said the 60 children were between three months old and 16 years old, all killed as they slept. “It was a heart breaking scene,” he said.
The death toll may even rise higher since heavy lifting gear is needed to uncover all the remains, said one Western official who had seen the United Nations report....

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