Frage an Karl A. Lamers bezüglich Außenpolitik und internationale Beziehungen

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Frage von Ulrich H. •

Frage an Karl A. Lamers von Ulrich H. bezüglich Außenpolitik und internationale Beziehungen

Sehr geehrter Herr Dr. Lamers,

Im Wall Street Journal vom 20.05.2008 schreibt Andrew Stroehlein von der International Crisis Group zur kürzlichen Aussetzung der EU Sanktionen gegen Usbekistan das Folgende:

"If any one EU member state deserves credit for this foreign-policy failure it is Germany. From the start, Berlin has worked against sanctions and then pushed to weaken them with a determination and effectiveness that would be the envy of any paid lobbyist Tashkent could ever hope to hire.

Perhaps this sounds an odd political approach for a country whose experience with two dictatorships in the 20th century gives it a greater obligation than most to speak out against authoritarianism. But Germany has been willing to sell out its own and European values for two misguided reasons. The first is that Berlin seems to harbor the unrealistic hope that Uzbek gas could make a real contribution to the diversification of European energy supplies. (...) The second is a military base Germany has in the southern Uzbek city of Termez, which it uses for its operations in Afghanistan. Since earlier this year, other NATO members have also been able to use Termez.

But the base´s military significance hardly justifies supporting an authoritarian regime. Tashkent´s violence against its own people only erodes the kind of regional stability the NATO mission is designed to encourage in the first place. (...) European foreign policy has been made to look foolish by establishing a principled stand only to surrender those same principles in a couple of short years. The humiliation is compounded by the timing. The suspension of the sanctions comes just weeks ahead of the anniversary of the massacre.

Berlin´s maneuvers in support of the Karimov regime have done a huge discredit to the EU." ( )

Bitte erläutern Sie mir (1) Ihre Position hierzu, und (2) ob Sie diesbezüglich etwas unternehmen werden.

Ulrich Hansen

Portrait von Karl A. Lamers
Antwort von

Sehr geehrter Herr Hansen,

vielen Dank für Ihre Frage zur Aussetzung der EU-Sanktionen gegen Usbekistan.

Ich möchte den zahlreichen Anfragen aus meinem Wahlkreis hohe Priorität
einräumen und darf Sie deshalb bitten, Ihre Anfrage an den Abgeordneten
Ihres Wahlkreises zu richten. Dadurch können wir eine sinnvolle
Arbeitsteilung im Bundestag gewährleisten.
Ich hoffe auf Ihr Verständnis und verbleibe
mit freundlichen Grüßen

Dr. Karl A. Lamers MdB

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