Fragen und Antworten


Über Nomazulu Thata-Peltzer

Ausgeübte Tätigkeit
Aspirantin Universität Bremen
Berufliche Qualifikation
Diplom Ingenieurin

Nomazulu Thata-Peltzer schreibt über sich selbst:

Portrait von Nomazulu Thata-Peltzer

Michelle Obama made a speech at the Democratic Party Convention, in 2008. She talked about how both she and her husband arrived at the decision that saw Barack Obama become a candidate in the 2008 US Presidential election. Her verbatim words were; “because we were so tired of being afraid we had to make that brave decision to let my husband stand for election!” I am saying, in the tone of the Obamas, I am tired of being scared, very tired. I am tired of wearing this heavy mask of fear of light: therefore I do not fear light anymore; I am tired of the endless comfort of darkness.
I, Nomazulu Thata am standing for the European Parliamentary elections and am entering a race to become a European parliamentarian on a Feminist Party: the Women ticket. In a way I am going on trial putting myself in  a position where questions will openly be asked and scrutinised without fear or favour: Why feminist, why an African, why a black woman in the European parliament?  But because elections in Europe are a battle of ideas, I embrace the challenge.
Has Nomazulu Thata forgotten the pledge she made, to give back the talent to where it belongs: Africa? My mother was a politician and a diplomat in several African countries. A qualified metallurgical engineer, an environmental scientist, a qualified chemistry teacher: the African continent is neglected and genuinely demands its talent back because it deserves better. Food insecurities resulting in chronic hunger in numerous African communities, climate change affecting already vulnerable communities, abundant resources but lack of adequate know-how to make use of the riches in continent, all these are questions that pelted me in my pained conscience the moment I think about my EU parliamentary candidacy, my days have never been peaceful ever since the idea crossed my mind that I should stand for these EU elections and win!
The Alternative EU Marshall Plan with Africa
The Marshall Plan with Africa is a ‘stroke of genius’ because it gives me a golden opportunity to serve the African continent effectively. A Marshall with Africa: a brain-child of the Federal Ministry for Economic Co-operation and Development; is envisaged as a new Africa & Europe partnership for development. Realizing the Marshall Plan is to give the African continent new leaf, a new and elaborate well defined partnership with Europe; these two continents are geo-politically speaking, neighbors. The Marshall Plan with Africa is up for a debate in EU parliament in the coming months: it will automatically replace the Cotonou-agreement that has reduced Africa as an aid recipient rather than a global player. The Alternative EU Marshall with Africa must be holistic in approach and not serve as a "virtual wall" between Europe and the rest of the world
The cornerstones of the new Alternative-EU Marshall Plan with Africa are as follows: Realizing that Africa is a continent with a very distinct history, greatness and culture, to manage the challenges facing  Africa equally benefits Europe. The Feminist Party demands an Alternative EU Marshall Plan with Africa
Africa should not be seen as a continent full of natural and man-made disasters but as a continent full of opportunities for the fast growing population. Africa has tremendous assets: 11 out of 20 fastest growing economies in the world are in Africa.
Time for development assistance or Development Aid should be a thing of the past: the buzz-word today between Europe and Africa is new partnership with the African continent. Cooperation between the two neighbors at eye-level is essential to a future oriented approach. The Cotonou-agreement should be replaced by a new partnership. The scattered responsibilities within Brussels should be revisited and grouped to one single unit because time for donor and recipient relationship should be eradicated altogether
The focal point of the Marshall Plan for Africa is the AU-Agenda 2063: this agenda puts emphasis on education vocational training and overall empowerment of women and girl-children.
Great exceptions will be taken on the new EU Marshall Plan for Africa. African countries who will be part of it must concentrate on political social and economic reforms, fight corruption, develop tax systems, invest in education will be invited to enter a dialogue of both continents
Foreign direct investment must increase and there should be protection against and risks related to it.                            Africa has the natural resources and the European Union has the know-how: this creates a suitable environment of equal partnership.
 Climate change is a great challenge globally and it must be tackled by both continents effectively for the betterment of both continents.
Renewable energy sources in Africa can directly benefit Europe: e.g. the solar energy source from the Sahara desert can provide energy to most of Europe’s energy needs in their domestic- and industrial needs.
Indeed Africa has large reserves of gold and platinum reserves and several other industrial mineral resources that could also benefit our European neighbor’s industries: and also Africa still has vast agricultural lands that have not been put to use
The EU Marshall Plan with Africa and the Feminist Party 
My campaign manifesto
The Feminist Party: The Women embraces this idea of a new EU Marshall Plan with Africa for many reasons. It has poignant points that have the capacity to sustainably change the lives of millions of women in rural communities in Africa. For this reason, I find it pertinent to give my whole attention to the New Altenative Marshall Plan with Africa as my campaign message that borders exclusively on the NEW Alternative Marshall Plan with Africa.
The EU African Marshall Plan in its verbatim sentence defines itself as follows: “The focus of the eu African Marshall Plan will be on fair trade, more private investment, more bottom-up economic development, more entrepreneurial spirit and above all more jobs for the young and growing African people in the continent.” The African Marshall Plan’s aims and objectives are to strengthen African ownership and reduce donor dependency, and bring hope for marginalized communities through durable development goals. The African countries and the European countries must be partners that engage with each other at eye-level; on the same page, and never a donor – recipient relationship: that very engagement that has failed to alleviate poverty in most African communities.
The first part of this manifesto is highlighting issues related to the African continent. Highlighting challenges bedevilling Africa helps in planning a strategy for cooperation between the two continents. In the background we should never lose sight of issues regarding migration and the suffering it causes, especially in North Africa. Many Africans are trapped into slavery, suffer thousands of deaths in the Mediterranean and are victims of human-trafficking and other forms of exploitation induced by migration.
The main focus of this manifesto closely examines the plight of women in African communities, especially in rural areas. The Feminist Party intends to engage actively in the new eu African Marshall Plan in order to assist rural women to help themselves mostly in their communities. Women are the niche in Africa that bears the brunt of underdevelopment. They suffer this much more than their male counterparts. Poverty is feminine, but at the same time, poverty is the push that fuels migration.
To alleviate poverty in African communities, the new Alternative Marshall Plan with Africa must mainly offer its assistance to the continent's marginalized societies and rural communal regions. Poverty is a rural phenomenon in African societies. The development of rural communities depends on being able to afford projects that bring sustainable and durable communal setups such as durable housing, clean water & sanitation and food security.  When development is guaranteed, rural communities stabilize and development becomes sustainable, and this reduces unnecessary migration.
The second part of this manifesto is to make concrete recommendations to the European Union on how the new Alternative African Marshall Plan can reach out to the communities that need such assistance most. The proposed African Marshall Plan, unlike Foreign Aid,  should be utilized mostly by project oriented NGOs or European expertise in areas needed by the rural communities in engaging economic, social and cultural cooperation. The new Marshall Plan will not be assistance for recurrent government expenditures, but an empowerment incentive to uplift marginalized communities that need durable and sustainable development. The African Marshall Plan therefore will be a panacea to durable projects that target poverty elimination in communities.
The EU  African Marshall Plan emphasises the need for young Africans to see Africa as their own continent which has all the answers to their social, economic and political needs. Young Africans must see a bright future in Africa. In 2050, the population of Africa will have doubled to two billion. This factually means that the continent has to create 20 million jobs every year. Job creation and ownership to durable and sustainable projects will indeed stabilize African communities. Solutions to African problems that bedevil African growth are in Africa and will be done by Africans with the European technical knowhow that is of great necessity to transform lives durably and sustainably.
Your vote is very important to me: this mandate is an instrument for sustainable change in most African rural societies. This mandate has the power to transform lives and alleviate unnecessary migration to the north. This mass migration to EU countries is becoming unsustainable and it creates unnecessary social conflicts in those receiving countries. There is innate fear in the minds of the Europeans that their social nets will collapse due to migrants coming in their millions to Europe. The African continent has space and also resources to make Africa a liveable place. Working together with our European neighbours will assist African communities to development their own.
The lives loss in the Mediterranean Sea and in the Sahara Desert, the selling of human beings in North African Markets as slaves, the war-conflict zones that forcefully cause movement of people, abject poverty and food insecurities in most communities in Africa, natural disasters such as cyclones and floods, and drought  due to climate change are evidently  triggered the displacements  of communities and mass migration. 
Please vote for the
Feminist Party:
WAHLZETTEL 31: Liste 3

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Kandidaturen und Mandate

Kandidatin EU-Parlament Wahl 2019

Angetreten für: DIE FRAUEN
Wahlkreis: Bund

Politische Ziele

With your vote I will get a mandate that will move the debate on the Marshall with Africa at the European parliament!

Born in 1957 in Bulawayo/ Zimbabwe

A mother to Nqobizitha the only child/single parent

Political rise

My political life started at an early stage: my mother was a Zimbabwe freedom fighter of the early 1970s until independence in 1980. She was a diplomat/ambassador representing Zapu in several African countries: an expert in regional and African relations.

Living in Zapu refugee camp in Zambia enlightened me politically and understood the reasons why the race war was a necessity and a noble cause

In East Germany Marxism –Leninism, Dialectic Materialism was part of academic curriculum during my studies at Hennigsdorf engineering Automation and Material Sciences.

Attended German-Youth (FDJ) activities, however was not member

Zapu Student leadership in Germany 1980 to 1984

Founding member of Zapu activists that revived Zapu party in 2008 in London/UK

Chairperson’s portfolio of women’s wing of the Zapu party in the Diaspora/UK from 2009 to 2011

Leadership Course at Common Purpose UK: April 2011

Political activism on women- and girl-children rights in Zimbabwe since 2011

 Initiator of National Transitional Administration NTA in Zimbabwe 2016/2017 

Leadership course: “Weiterbildung Attacademie für Active Multiplikatoren in ökologischen und globalisierungkritischen Initiativen & Organisationen” Jan bis Oktober 2017

 Member of Feminist Party in 2015: Spokesperson for Land Bremen

European Parliamentary candidate for the Feminist Party: The Women 2019

Political passion

I am passionate about the plight of women and girl-children especially in the Sub-Sahara Africa. Femicide, child-marriages, sexual abuse on children of all ages, virginity testing, men use of sex to defile and insult women and girl-children are the issues that trigger a radical edge in me to fight injustice meted against by men in sub-Sahara Africa regions

I am passionate about finding solutions for girl-children that have gone into prostitution because of hunger and poverty in their lives

Hope to set up a radio station Bremen that will reach out to women in countries in the sub-Sahara Africa. This project may sound a very ambitious one but it is the only channel that will give a voice women in most corners of the Sub-Sahara region

I am passionate about community development in the Sub-Sahara region. Women have to do work ten times harder than what men can contribute. It is for this reason that a Marshall Plan with Africa could alleviate poverty, chronic hunger and unnecessary migration and internal displacement. Communities will stabilize and will be able to identify their future role in communities

I am passionate about finding durable solutions to African migration to Europe. Europe is getting crowded and it is for this reason that in those countries we migrate to: e.g. European countries, the right-wing politics is growing: they are concerned about their social nets that are at the point of collapsing because of migration and asylum seeking. 

I am passionate about eradicating hunger and chronic poverty in our communities in the Sub-Sahara continent

I am passionate about finding ways to work together with our neighbour continent Europe that have the know-how to improve our agriculture, vocational training, education and health

Marshall Plan with Africa: The Manifesto

The feminist Party:

The Feminist Party: The Women embraces this idea of a Marshall Plan with Africa for many reasons. It has poignant points that have the capacity to sustainably change the lives of millions of women in rural communities in Africa. For this reason, I found it pertinent to give my whole attention to the Marshall with Africa as my campaign message that borders exclusively on the need to find durable solutions to migration, poverty and food insecurities in the   Africa subcontinent.

· The Women advocate for sustainable and durable solutions to migration and displacement of global citizens in transition

· The lives loss in the Mediterranean Sea and in the Sahara Desert, the selling of human beings in North African Markets as slaves, the war-torn conflict zones that cause displacement of people, abject poverty and food insecurities in most communities in Africa, natural disasters such as cyclones and floods, and drought due to climate change evidently trigger the displacements of communities and mass migration.

· Please read the Feminist Manifesto regarding Marshall Plan with Africa, a document I wrote to further elaborate how this project could change the lives of women in the Sub Sahara Continent of Africa and at the same time will significantly reduce unnecessary internal and external migration in the Sub-Sahara-Continent.


Primary school teacher at Kasisi Mission 1978

Tutor at the Technical University of Berlin 1991 to 1993

Assistant Lecturer at the University of Zimbabwe 1994 to 1995

Environmental assessor in Pretoria 1997 to 1998

Labourassistantin Berliner  Wasser Betrieb

Chemistry teacher in several schools in the UK  2004 to 2010


Roma Catholic Secondary School in Lusaka Zambia

Karl-Marx University: Germany Language and Abitur 1979 to 1981

Hennigsdorf Engineering School for Automation and Material Sciences: Engineer 1981 to 1984

Technical University of Berlin: Diplom Ing. Metallhüttenkunde 1988 to 1993

Forshungszentren Karlsruhe: Technik und Umwelt 1999 bis 2001

Canterbury Christ Church University: Post Graduate Certificate of Education 2007 to 2010

Universität Bremen: Weiterbildungskurs: Refugee Assistance: „Diversitätssensible Gestaltung sozialer Arbeit in eirichtungen für Geflüchtetegemäß der aufnahme und Prüfungsordnung der Universität Bremen“  Oktober 2016 bis Juni 2017

Promotion an de Universität Bremen